Xavier CanCan

Xavier CanCan





Year of birth


My Favorite Directors

John Frankenheimer Robert Aldrich Billy Wilder

My Favorite Actors

Burt Lancaster

My Favorite Movies

Birdman of Alcatraz Clerks The Blade Runner

Hidden Gems


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Meine letzten Kommentare auf cinegeek.de.
Xavier CanCan
Mo, 28/03/2016 - 13:08
The Coen Brothers are

The Coen Brothers are something...What a fantastic film with never a dull moment. The accents and characters were great too. Marge

Xavier CanCan
Mo, 28/03/2016 - 13:07
Probably the nearest to

Probably the nearest to perfection a film can get. Story. Camera. Acting. Really, amazing.

Xavier CanCan
Mo, 28/03/2016 - 13:07
Great use of voice-over to

Great use of voice-over to really reveal character. And for that matter, great character. Christian Bale delivers an amazing performance and the minimalism i…

Xavier CanCan
Mo, 28/03/2016 - 13:04
The acting was superb and the

The acting was superb and the sequence of scenes so effortless. Obviously a well constructed character study and a depressing, nihilistic one at that. Really…

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