Xavier CanCan

Xavier CanCan





Year of birth


My Favorite Directors

John Frankenheimer Robert Aldrich Billy Wilder

My Favorite Actors

Burt Lancaster

My Favorite Movies

Birdman of Alcatraz Clerks The Blade Runner

Hidden Gems


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Xavier CanCan
Mo, 28/03/2016 - 13:10
Endlessly quotable and full

Endlessly quotable and full of thought-provoking ideas. It's films like these that really get to the heart of issues and ask questions in a way that's real.…

Xavier CanCan
Mo, 28/03/2016 - 13:10
Truth. Beauty. Struggle. It

Truth. Beauty. Struggle. It had it all. I think film can encompass either entertainment or art and, on certain occasions, both. However this film was more ar…

Xavier CanCan
Mo, 28/03/2016 - 13:09
I found it really surprising

I found it really surprising that a high-profile film such as this could really utilize a lot of experimental lighting, camera work, and special effects. It…

Xavier CanCan
Mo, 28/03/2016 - 13:09
Godard paints a beautiful

Godard paints a beautiful picture full of inviting characters and innovative camera-work. A riveting piece of cinema

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